Architecture in Helsinki

Publié le par Axelle

Teretuloa in Helsinki!


My visit there was very short, but anyway, as I won't come back before the next year (Helsinki will be the capital of the design in 2012), I should show you how this city looks like in November...

The 5th November is the “All saints days” in Finland (La Toussain), why it's not the 1st november as everybody? I don't know! But “c'est comme ça”. I enjoyed the Finnish capital all the same, specially the architecture...

Architecture in Helsinki, Hold music
This band is australian !, don't be confused! But I saw them last june in Strasbourg and they were great!


Grey sky, black night at 5pm, you are in the north! But isn't it romantic?


Few finnish architectes:

Pekka Vapaavuori 
He made our famous museum of contemporary art in Tallinn, the KUMU!



Marko Kivistö (Helsinki Music Center)

From the LPR architect group, he draw Music Center's building.





Le stade olympique/ The olympic stadium

Le stade olympique d'Helsinki est le plus grand stade en Finlande. C'est le stade principal des Jeux Olympiques d'été en 1952. Il a été construit pour y célébrer les JO de 1940 qui ont été finalement annulés en raison de la seconde guerre mondiale. Il est caractérisé par une tour haute de 72 m (dont la hauteur serait aussi celle d'un essai de lancer de javelot, un sport national).
The olympic stadium of Helsinki is the biggest in Finland. It was the principal stadium for the Summer Olympic Games in 1952. His principal characteristic is this 72m tower:



However, we're not lucky today because we have to leave earlier...



A last chess play?


Publié dans Voyage Voyage

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